Localize Your Supply Chain

Supply chain is just a fancy term for all the things you purchase to do business – from any inventory you have, to the things you consume, to the services you use. When you buy local goods and use local suppliers, you keep your spending recirculates in your community, to better support BC’s local economy, environment, and communities!  

Steps to Map and Localize Your Supply Chain

Here are a few tools to map your supply chain, measure your impact, and connect with more local BC-owned suppliers.


Fillable PDF to Highlight Key Suppliers

You can start simply with our “How Are You Local” poster to map some of your key BC suppliers. Here’s a spreadsheet to help you think about all your supplier categories. Post it on social media, and tag your suppliers.

Magnifying glass icon with placemaker heart indicating analysis of good business practices.


Online Community Impact Assessment

Going deeper, we ask you to estimate your percentages of service and inventory purchases (if applicable) by using our Community Impact Assessment tool. Here’s a spreadsheet to help you think about all your supplier categories. The CIA tool will create an infographic for you if you have at least 3 pieces of data from the following list:
1- % of local employment
2- % of BC service suppliers
3- % of CDN service suppliers
4- % of BC inventory suppliers (if applicable)
5- % of CDN inventory suppliers (if applicable)
6- % of revenue for charitable giving.

Icon with truck indicating local supplier


Resources to Find & Profile BC Suppliers

Promote your business through our Amplify Local supplier lists and profiles for BC-based suppliers.

Icon with person pointing to image with heart indicating promotion of profile.


Share Your Story

Tell your story during Canadian Small Business Week 15-21 Oct (and all year!). Let existing and potential customers know how your business supports other local suppliers using the tools on this page.

Check out BC-based suppliers and localize your purchasing today. Need a referral in a category not listed? Contact us.