Honeybrew Bar is located in Downtown Vancouver. Its founder Scott Bressette grew up eating his Slovenian grandmother’s strudel, a dessert never left behind at family gatherings. For Scott, this delicious dessert blossomed into much more, it became a symbol for connection, as it was always present when loved ones came together to share each others’ company. This sparked Scott’s wish to create a space with an environment with the same sense of belonging he had experienced.
Question: How are you supporting other local businesses?
Answer: With their recent launch, Honeybrew Bar has been all hands on deck. Prior to launch they consciously hired local contractors, including a local interior designer Ehsan Vali – ValiDesigns. Honeybrew is well-recognized for its vibrant interior design featuring fuchsia pink and violet colours. They also work with Kimbo Design, a local media company, to support them in their marketing and branding – included in this is the interwinding pattern they use. This Slovenian pattern illustrates the connection and intermingling of family and friends.
Question: What social and environmental practices are you proud of?
Answer: With the pandemic, it has been very difficult on people’s social and economic well-being. With government regulations making the concept of social gathering near impossible, people are now craving a sense of community more than ever – which Honetybrew brings to the table (quite literally). The other element of this is that particularly those living in the city, have struggled throughout the course of the pandemic with job security, price inflation, and overall expensive living, so creating accessibility for customers is a top priority. Honeybrew Bar creates a warm and inviting space for people to take a breather from busy city life, connect with their community, and all at an affordable price.
Honeybrew Bar’s brews their coffee with JJ Bean Coffee beans. At JJ Bean, there is a strong value for eliminating emissions, ethically sourcing, and minimizing waste. In 2009, they completely redesigned their Vancouver roasting facility for optimum emissions control to reduce their thermal energy output by approximately 30%. They highly value their coffee producers, and to stand by that they pay well above Fair Trade prices on every coffee we purchase. As for minimizing waste, in 2017 they introduced biodegradable and recyclable Biotre coffee bags made from 60% (by weight) renewable wood pulp.
Honeybrew Strudel Bar is located at 785 Davie Street open 7 days a week from 8 AM – 12 AM, with a Happy Hour from 4 PM – 6 PM.
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