Duolynx Design & Print is based Langley BC, and has been serving Walnut Grove / Port Kells and the Lower Mainland since 2008. We pride ourselves on working with, and supporting our community. We often donate our time and printing to worthy local causes, fundraisers and events dear to our hearts. Small businesses support each other and the community of Township of Langley is a wonderful example of this. Our company is extremely proud of our in-house work. We outsource only 10% to other local companies, for example, all companies we outsource a small amount of work to, are all based in BC, keeping the economy in BC bustling.
Our clients have been amazing and have been supporting us to help keep the community healthy. We’ve been a community minded business, giving our time and now the community is really bringing it back to us during this time of COVID-19, it’s been so gratifying to see the support from our community.
Question: How are you Supporting Other Local Businesses?
Answer: We love supporting local businesses and our clients. Any business in our community that we do business with we cross promote on our social media. Even if they don’t work with us but they are a small business that goes out of their way, we promote them. We try to influence the community to support those businesses.
We buy our paper from a Canadian distribution company with a local office called Spicers and our coil binds are also from a Canadian company called Southwest Binding. We get our sign materials from Canadian Sign Supplies in Burnaby and our office supplies from West Coast Office Supplies in Langley.
We purchase a lot of our services from local companies too. Our employee benefits are through a Langley finance company Flann Financial and Tethered Computer for IT. Our accountant is Allegro Tax and Accounting Group in Langley. We use a local web person at Vector Websites. We use a local electrician for repair and maintenance. For all our services, we usually a client and it’s always Langley based. We use a local web person.
Question: What social and environmental practices are you proud of?
Answer: We produce 85% of our print jobs in house. We’re keeping the jobs local for all that work. If we have to outsource anything, we keep it in the Lower Mainland, not Toronto, we’re keeping the jobs and the money in the local community. It’s way cheaper to order the product from Toronto and resell it, and other printers do that. We are proud that we hand produce, and keep the work in our community.
In terms of charitable giving, for a small company we give a lot. It was $7500 last year alone. We do a lot of design and print work for charities, their funding request letters, and tickets and programs for their galas. This year even though a lot of the galas were cancelled due to COVID-19, we’ve helped them with the design work for virtual events and out door events, like the virtual mayor’s charitable tea, and the Township of Langley Firefighter’s Society golf tournament. We also work with the Langley Animal Protection Society (LAPS). We print the Township of Langley Firefighter’s Charities calendar at cost so they get more of the proceeds. We support Fort Langley’s Tiny Kittens global rescue charity. We also donate every year the printing of the RED NOSE program to Rotary Club of Prince George Nechako, and local business, sports and school fundraisers. We also do photo shoots of local businesses in Langley to showcase what they do and then also shoot their signage in store to do cross promotion. We even redesigned the front of our store to promote community events and shopping local. For all our support for the community, we received an award last year from the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce for Community Impact in the For Profit Category. And we’re thrilled to be nominated again this year for the Greater Langley Chamber of Commerce 2020 Virtual Business Excellence Awards “Most Innovative” category!
On the environmental side, we don’t give any of our jobs in bags, and most of our stock is 30% up to 100% post consumer recycled paper. We didn’t invest in presses because of the ventilation system a press requires and because of the wastage of ink and such. It’s not healthy for our employees or other people in the building. We went with digital presses instead. To conserve paper, we devised a system that creates very few offcuts. Then we reuse the offcuts for other printing jobs and then finally recycle what’s impossible to use. We produce extremely low volume of waste. We purchased a slitter so there’s way less trim. We lay out the cards in such a way so there’s way less printing and less trim. We now use half the sheets that we used to. It’s way more economical but also less waste. We also make sure before we purchase the machinery we make sure the manufacturer is very reputable with a recycling program for toner in place. We print coroplast signs for our clients, and even though they can’t recycle them, we can. So we encourage them to bring them back when they’re done and we take it to a reputable recycling facility in the Valley.
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