Chaga Muga specializes in handmade artisan organic, brews, drink blends, teas and tisanes that are Chaga & superfood based. It’s a fun and delicious way to add superfoods to everyday life supporting good health. Our beverages are slow-brewed to perfection with 100% organic whole-food ingredients; medicinal mushrooms, fruits, adaptogenic and tonic roots and herbs that are well-known for their vast array of health benefits and delicious flavours. Our products are mindfully crafted by a Chartered Herbalist Engineered and are Red Seal Chef Taste Tested.
We are harvesters and foragers of Chaga and herbs, We are blenders of artisanal organic teas and tisanes, We are makers of various herbal infusions, teas and drink blends, and We are brewers of various botanical & herbal brews.
Question: How are you supporting other local businesses?
Answer: We harvest and forage all of our Chaga mushrooms and herbs locally. We blend organic teas and tisanes into various herbal infusions, teas and drink blends.
Question: What social and environmental practices are you proud of?
Answer: Our beverages are slow-brewed to perfection with 100% organic whole-food ingredients; medicinal mushrooms, fruits, adaptogenic and tonic roots and herbs that are well-known for their vast array of health benefits and delicious flavours. We make our products in small batches to ensure their potency and quality. We support our customer’s health and the health of the planet by using 100% organic ingredients. We don’t use refined sugars, and our products are dairy-free, gluten-free and keto/vegan friendly.
We do our part in contributing to a healthier environment! We only use Eco-friendly and compostable packaging to lessen our footprint on the environment. Our beverages are stored in glass jars to retain their taste, nutrient value, purity, and quality. Plus, it’s less impactful on our surroundings.
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