Silverback Treeworks Ltd. is a locally owned, locally operating business specializing in high quality, safe and affordable tree care. We have been proudly serving the Sea to Sky corridor since 2007 and continue to provide the highest quality tree care to our community including Vancouver, North / West Vancouver, Lions Bay, Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton. Our experienced team of arborists are passionate about helping you to make informed decisions on any of your tree management needs. Silverback Treeworks Ltd. takes pride in ensuring we provide the best possible service to each and every customer. All initial consultation and quotations are provided free of charge.
Question: How are you supporting other local businesses?
Answer: We support local businesses whenever we can, and most our suppliers are located right in Squamish. We buy and service our vehicles through are Greg Gardner, get our small tools from Howe Sound Equipment, and our ropes, rigging and tree climbing equipment from Climb On Squamish. The support of these suppliers helps us run our business every day. We use OK Tire Squamish for our trucks and trailers, Advanced Truck & Heavy Duty Repairs in downtown Squamish, and we get our dump trucks through Gold Key Isuzu in Langley.
Our accountant is Rob MacCleod at MacCleod & Company Accounting. and our bookkeeper is Bruce at Balanced Bookkeeping & Accounting. We get our insurance through Insure BC Squamish and CapriCMW in Vancouver. And Sharpweb in Squamish built and manages our website. We also subcontract to a few local companies. When we cut down big trees, JR Transport haul the logs for us, and The Green Barber does all our hedge trimming.
Question: What social and environmental practices are you proud of?
Answer: We strive to be a good employer. We have a tight team and a good culture, and the wellbeing of our staff is really important to us. We pay a living wage, provide medical/dental benefits, and we train our staff to help them develop their skills and get certified. In 2020 we took this on in a big way, since the regular training and certification programs had shut down. We decided to take the content and deliver it ourselves, and get accredited to certify our staff. For instance, our staff can now write the International Aborist Exam through us. We also just like to have fun with our staff. We’ve hired a rock guide to take them out climbing, we hired the Shred Shuttle to take them on bike rides, we’ve done Canadian Outback Rafting and we went curling at the Squamish Golf and Country Club.
We love to support the community, and we donate cash, time and services in the range of $10,000 some years. We donate gift certificates to silent auctions and sponsor a few different local sports organizations – the Squamish BMX Club and the Rugby Club. We also donate a fair bit of services – we recently cleared a piece of land for the Squamish Climate Action Network to develop a community garden project downtown. Every year we do a Christmas tree chipping and we donate the proceeds to the Squamish Scouts, local schools including Village of Lions Bay Elementary School, Garibaldi Highlands Elementary School, Blueridge Elementary (North Van).
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