BC Amplify Local is a business-to-business campaign, focusing on localizing supply chains and increasing visibility and sales for local B.C. suppliers.
Campaign Elements
Get involved with what’s happening this month:

Feature Your Business
If your business is B2B (business to business), complete your Community Impact Assessment and provide your supplier info so we can develop a business profile for your business.

Demonstrate Your Local Impact
Demonstrate your local impact using our supply chain tools. Discover new local suppliers to further localize your business.
Check out some B.C. suppliers you may want to add to your supply chain. Know a business we should add to the site? Contact us.

Tell Your Story
Let existing and potential customers know how your business creates local jobs, purchases from local suppliers, and supports B.C. causes. Include all the things you’re doing to reduce/improve environmental impacts and improve social conditions for employees, your community & beyond. Tag your posts with #BCAmplifyLocal
Check out some of B.C.’s best businesses and localize your purchasing today. Need a referral in a category not listed? Contact us.
Why Local?
Localizing your business’ supply chain is an important part of your business’ local impact. You can make change, improving your community and the local economy, by switching from multinational to local suppliers today!
The impact is immediate – local suppliers recirculate double the revenue in the local economy, keeping profits local, creating more local jobs, supporting B.C. suppliers, and amplifying all the charitable giving that BC businesses do. LOCO’s 2013 research found that when you purchase office supplies from a local business, they recirculate 33% of the spending locally, compared to 18% for multinationals, and only 1% when purchasing online.
Businesses & Partners
LOCO coordinates BC Buy Local in partnership with leading businesses and business groups across B.C. Find out about our partners or contact us to become one.
Find out more about how your business can participate in the #BCBuyLocal campaign.