BC Buy Local Week (December 2nd – 8th, 2024) is an annual celebration of the unique contributions that B.C. businesses make to our economy. They strengthen our social fabric and donate to local causes. They provide great jobs and support local suppliers, keeping money circulating in the community. Consumers love local and BC Buy Local Week helps to showcase B.C. local-owned businesses and local grown and local-made products found in stores everywhere.
7 Ways for 7 Days
Here are 7 ways to Buy Local this #BCBuyLocal Week and all year round:
Support local businesses out of the comfort of your home
Canadians spend $4B/month online. 2 out of every 3 dollars spent online in Canada goes to a U.S. multinational. Support local businesses when you buy online.
Support your friends & neighbours and the causes they support
Money spent with local businesses has a ripple effect that contributes to the growth and health of BC communities. Local businesses contribute to the tax base and make donations to support local events, sports teams, and charities 24 times more than multinationals.
Visit your favourite storefronts this holiday season
Brick-and-mortar stores contribute jobs and taxes that keep communities connected & strong. $63 of every $100 from storefronts is recirculated back into the local economy compared to 14% with multinationals.
No-wait, no shipping gifts support services & tourism
Supply chain issues and shipping delays abound this year. Avoid the hassle by giving an experience. Health and beauty treatments or tourist attractions are just a start — get creative!
Choose local ingredients, food products, beverages & food services
There are 17K+ farms in BC & 98% are family-owned businesses! BC food processors employ 1 in 40 BC workers, & food/beverage manufacturing is B.C.’s top manufacturing industry. BC has the most local distilleries of any Canadian province, 191 breweries (almost all craft), and 369 wineries. Every bottle of BC-made wine creates $42 in economic impact (revenue, tax revenue, wages) & local restaurants keep 68 cents of every $1 in the local economy, 2.2 X multinationals.
Support BC artists, makers & manufacturers
When you buy BC made products, you support good jobs for artists, makers, and manufacturers and build a strong local economy. Buy local made products to support BC’s ~30K working artists, and 171K+ manufacturing employees.
Give gift cards from local stores & restaurants
Give gift cards from local stores & restaurants. The average Canadian spends ~$500/year on gift cards. Support local businesses when you buy gift cards.
Check out some of BC’s best businesses and shift your shopping this holiday.
Why Local?
During the holiday season, the average Canadian spends ~$1500 on travel, food, drinks, and gifts. BC Buy Local Week encourages consumers to shift 1% of that spending — just $15 — to a local business, or a locally grown or locally made product, to keep money circulating in communities and keep good jobs in B.C. More reasons to buy local.
Businesses & Partners
Find out more about how your business can participate in the #BCBuyLocal campaign and B.C. Buy Local Week or download campaign materials.
LOCO coordinates BC Buy Local Week in partnership with leading businesses, Business Improvement Areas, Chambers of Commerce, Economic Development Organizations, and Buy Local groups across B.C. Find out about our partners or contact us to become one.